I know that it’s a simple question, but those tend to be the most profound. Why am I doing all this work? What’s pushing me forward? Why do I wake in morning and face the obstacles with determination? These are questions that we all need to answer. Because there is going to come a time when you are going to hit a wall. You don’t know how to do something; people let you down; your computer crashed; your boss chewed you out for no reason except he was having a bad day; the kids made a mess of the kitchen throwing your day way off track – and the list goes on and on. These are the times when you have got to stand back and remember – WHY!
If Your Why Is Big Enough, Nothing Is Too Hard To Overcome
If you have been stopped by frustrations, complications, or challenges and don’t persevere through them – You WHY is not big enough. So, what is a WHY? This is that Dream or Goal that burns inside of you. Maybe in the beginning it’s just a smothering ember of a wish. But as you believe you can achieve that Dream it becomes a small fire. Now take that Dream of Success and partner it with the most important people in your life – that’s how you create an unquenchable fire within you. What does that mean, you ask. My dream of building a million dollar a year company might drive me. But, doing it to create time with my kids, helping my family, or spending more time with those I love – that will make your fire so strong, nothing will put it out. How do I create that within me?
Be Someone of Integrity That Deserves Success
You must become the person that is worthy of the Success you are after. So I ask you – what is the foundation of your life built on? It used to be that someone’s word was their bond. Is that You? If you say you are going to do something – do you get it done? If you say, “I will be there at that time”, are you on time? Are you loyal and faithful? Can your wife or husband trust you implicitly? What is the foundation of your life? Is it built on sand and can be swept away at the first storm of trouble?
Or is your life built on strong solid immoveable principles of Love, Integrity, and Trust. So when challenges come, people can count on you. They know you will be the same when times are rough or great. Someone once told me a long time ago; you want to know someone integrity, take a look at what gets them upset. I have watched someone get out of their car with a broken arm after an accident to help the other person who hit them. And I have watched a guy throw a $3,500 set of golf clubs in a lake because of a bad shot. Which person would you rather be around? Or better question, which one would you like to be. The Choice is Yours!