Today’s scripture was from the apostle Paul as he was writing to the Galatians. We start with the question, what does God want me to do? Love. We struggle with this question a lot throughout our lives, I know that I have. Though I will say, most of the time I don’t quiet down my heart and mind to truly listen to God speaking to me. But when I do quiet those voices within me, the gentle whisper of God through the Holy Spirit is always asking me to Love More. This is what Paul is stating to the Galatians 5:14 (NLT) “For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
And Paul here was echoing the command Jesus gave when He was asked what the most important commandment was (Matthew 22:37-40). And what they are both essentially saying is: beyond loving God with everything in you, you should love your neighbor as yourself.
For years the question on most people’s mind is – who is my neighbor? I know I struggled with that at times as well. But God simply tells us that your enemies, those who persecute you, people you don’t even know, long-time friends, family, … literally everyone is your neighbor. Why? Because God put life into each and every one of us. So, to love your neighbor is to recognize the essence of God within everyone. And that Essence of God is worthy of our love.
Now let’s focus on another part of all of this. That is that Love is an Action.
That means we need to be doing something for our neighbor. Like what? Giving of our time to visit someone lonely and shut in because of age or health. Doing an act of service, cutting a neighbors yard because they are weak or ill. Helping someone financially who has lost their job and can’t pay bills or buy groceries. And always Pray for those who persecute you, or are in need, or that are lost. Ask for God’s intervention and healing. All of these are examples of giving of our time, talents, and resources that God has given us. And to help those around us in need. In doing any of these things (and so much more), you and I are storing up treasures in Heaven. That pleases our Heavenly Father. “Because whenever you do any of these things for the least of our brothers, you do it for Me.” says the Lord.
So today, I will strive to Love and give more of myself to all those around me. And know that I will be doing the will of My Heavenly Father. And it will be pleasing in His Eyes. How will you Love your neighbor today?